• Epsilon Short Stories

    After Summer comes the fall

    Day Zero, September 9 Utqiagvik, Alaska             In the dream, the sun shone brightly and the day was cold. Rosemary walked the tundra alone on her way into town. She was nowhere near town. There was noise in the distance, but she resisted the intrusion and focused on her walk. Her boots trudged through haphazard lanes between proud pines that refused to lean under the weight of snow. She was in a place that she had never been before, but everything was familiar. She was on her way to town for – “The grocer’s shipment,” Philip said, suddenly walking beside her.  “Yes.” Rosemary gave a nod of confirmation, her purpose suddenly…

  • Team writing

    Every Story Has a Beginning

    Graham Elder January 20, 2019 – 4 min read             Why, in the name of God, would you want to write a novel with someone else? A potential recipe for frustration if ever there was one. Still, it seemed so simple at the time, 5 years ago, each with a glass in hand celebrating our 20thmedical school reunion at a wine tasting event. “Hey, how do you feel about writing a novel together? I’ve always wanted to write something. We could help each other learn the trade. How hard could it be?” Diamond hard? No.  Harder. But why submit ourselves to the humiliation of being neophyte learners once again? Practically starting…

  • Team writing

    Welcome to our Blog

    In the world of writing, what do you get when you cross a psychiatrist with a surgeon?  Cutting insight into human behavior?  Minds filleted open on a platter, ready for curious readers to explore? Disturbing descriptions of physical and mental gore?  All the above? We’ve been writing together for four years now, and with two books under our belts – and several more in the oven – we’ve finally decided to take the plunge and reach out to the world. We will explore a variety of topics surrounding our current book series – The Epsilon Project. This will include everything from solar flares and real-life zombies to dealing with different…